Thursday, September 28, 2017

3 Days Off: Three

I got up at 9:00. Breakfast was cereal and coffee, and I watched "The Planets" (Pluto), and got caught up in a Wikipedia Storm (lots of reading and tangental links).

I had cold Chinese for lunch while I hung out online. I shaved. Then at 3:30 pm I left the house, to hit Kappy's for their last 6-pack of Tangerine Soul Style IPA (score!), and to hike the Mid-State Trail from Redemption Rock to the Crow Hills.

Mountain Quest 2017 No.5: A nice easy jaunt, it took me about 40 minutes each way, with no rest stops, and only a handful of photo ops. It was sunny, cool and dry, I had the trail to myself, and it was glorious. I ate an apple and a granola bar at the picnic area, while listening to the loud guys who were traversing the top of the cliffs. I saw them pass overhead, but they never crossed my path again. On the way back I listened to An April March, Chapterhouse's "Pearl" EP, and Lush's "Blind Spot" EP. What a great hike.

When I got home I did dishes, made mac & cheese with the last of the ground beef, and watched sports tv & "Big Bang Theory". The rest of the night was a mix of the Red Sox/Astros game, the Bears/Packers game, and parts of the first two "American Pie" movies. In between (at 9:00 pm) I ran out to Hannaford to get coffee, bananas, and a few other things, and showered after I unpacked the food.

A view of Mt Wachusett: ascent

The Crow Hills cliffs

Descent Soundtrack: Lush's "Blind Spot" EP

A view of Mt Wachusett: descent

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

3 Days Off: Two

Chumble woke me at 8:00 am, so I got up and fed him. I watched a 30-minute documentary on the making of "City Slickers" as I ate breakfast and played "Clash of Clans".

The rest of the day:
  • I did laundry.
  • I replaced the old shower curtain, washed the outer curtain, and cleaned the bathroom sink.
  • I went online to buy a new back scrubber and soap dish.
  • I Windexed my windshield.
  • I had clam chowder for lunch at 1:30.
  • I read more of "Dragonlance" #1, and in between, fell asleep in the chair from 2:30 - 3:00.
  • I cleaned the shower at 4:00.
  • It's 87 degrees out and humid, but I didn't need the a/c until now, 4:30.
  • More reading, more tv ("ATH" & "PTI").
  • Chinese food for supper.
  • I put up a new shower curtain.
  • I shaved my head while hanging out online.
  • I watched the season premiers of "Survivor" and "Modern Family".
  • I went to bed at 2:00 am.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

3 Days Off: One

Due to the various weekly templates at work, I have the next 3 days off in a row. I had four, but I split yesterday's shift into Friday morning.

Today's existence:
  • I slept until 9:30 (wow, I actually got 8 hours!), and then had shredded wheat, a banana and coffee for breakfast.
  • I hung out online for awhile, pondering my travel options.
  • I went to the lake from 3:30 to around 7:00. It's exactly 8.5 miles from my door to our Wyman Pond shore. While down there I had a great beer (Green Flash Tangerine Soul Style IPA) and a horrible beer (Wachusett Summer Ale). I inflated my latest float; I read some of the first "Dragonlance" novel; I floated with the crappy beer; I listened to my iPod as I air-dryed; and I took a bunch of great photos:

Bits of Autumn showing up...

This beer kicks ASS!

Alas, another tube too narrow inside...

Amazing cloud brush strokes!

Fantastic fiery sunset...

Monday, September 25, 2017


I finished the coloring a few days ago, but never got a satisfactory photo until today:

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Friday, September 15, 2017

Four Days Off: 4

Yikes! I slept until nearly 11:00 am. To be fair, I was up until 3:30 reading last night.

I began a drawing of L'anlia versus some hulking warrior. He is trying to restrain her, but discovers too late that she is a wizard.

Four Days Off: 3

I got up a little after 9:00 am. Coffee & cereal. Watched "Planet of the Apes" (2001). My new coffee maker and "Dragons of Autumn Twilight" arrived from Amazon. I retired my golf clubs to Jean Marie's shed, unused this year. I watched Jason do a live blog for his PR job, and it was so surreal, yet incredibly cool to see my little brother in his element, in a way I'd never seen before. I got Domino's around 3:00 pm.

I inked last night's ogre drawing:

I began to read my new book on my bed, but it was slow going, and I fell asleep from 4:00 to 7:30 instead. Apparently all the late nights caught up with me. I did dishes. I watched sports tv and sitcoms, during the commercials of the Bengals/Texans Thursday Night Football game. And at 9:00 pm I ran out to food shop. A late supper was cold Hannaford chicken fingers and a creme horn.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Four Days Off: 2

I awoke just before 10 am again. Breakfast was cereal and coffee. I watched a space show on Saturn while playing "Clash of Clans" and "Boom Beach". Then I shaved my head.

Jason had made a reservation for him,  Dad & Ma, Sarah & Jon and me at Lucia's Tavola in Ayer, but his meeting was going to run way over, so he had to cancel. That sucks, because I won't get to see him at all on this visit. Oh well, work comes first. As a result, both lunch and supper were the rest of the cold Chinese food (chicken fingers & wings). I did laundry, read some more of "The Score", watched sports tv, and a few sitcoms, and had more coffee.

Later I went online for awhile, and I bought a pair of jeans from L.L. Bean, mostly for work. I also drew an ogre in a forest. And last, I finished "The Score" before I fell asleep around 3:00 am...

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Four Days Off: 1

I have today through Friday off. Jason came east Sunday and is working out of his Boston office. There should be a hike on one of the two non-rainy days (today or tomorrow), and the Lake always beckons...

I slept until ten today (didn't fall asleep 'til after four last night!), and had pound cake with my coffee, as I watched "American Dad", "Robot Chicken", and some outer space science show. I went online for awhile, and bought a new coffee maker with a metal carafe. I got Chinese food for supper, watched sports tv, and finished reading "Parker: The Outfit", before falling asleep from 7 to 9 in my chair. I ended the day with 4 episodes (S7-8) of "The Office" on Netflix and a Cisco Whale's Tale Pale Ale, and then starting to read "Parker: The Score", until I fell asleep around 3 am.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Goals: September

For this month:
  1. Lose ten pounds (begin: 255, end: 254 ).
  2. Visit the lake once a week on average: I
  3. Draw 10 things: IIII
  4. Read 5 books: IIII I
  5. Work out 8 times: I
  6. Visit 3 other New England states:
  7. Hit the beach!
  8. NO pizza, Chinese, or drive-thru food. X X X (haha!)
  9. Donate all unwanted books.
  10. Pumpkin beer taste test w/Jon & Sarah.