Sunday, January 1, 2017

Goals: January

My list of goals & plans for January, a small portion of my overall resolutions for 2017:

  • Get down to 245 pounds.
  • Wednesday the 18th - Celtics/Knicks game with Dad & Hayden.
  • Get out of state at least once.
  • Go on at least one hike.
  • Work out ten times minimum (I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.) BOOM!
  • Buy a new bed (will have to wait 'til I get my tax refund in a few weeks)
  • Avoid 'night coffee'.
  • Avoid eating after 8 pm.
I'll be making one of these posts every month this year. Achieved goals appear in red bold, as completed...


  1. So far I've had night coffee a few times (boooo!), and have eaten after 8 pm a few times as well...

  2. In order: Nope. Yes (Celtics lost, but great time had by all). Nope. Nope. Ten! February. Night Coffee a few times (5 or 6). Eating after 8 pm (2 or 3 times).

    Not bad, but not awesome either.
