Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Lake Afternoon

It was 82 degrees and sunny today, so I gathered my things and headed down to the lake! I was there from 3:00 to 7:30, and I spent the time in the following ways:

  • Had a late lunch of a homemade ham & Swiss on multi-grain bread sandwich, with Santitas chips and (over time) three Red Hook IPAs.
  • Read 90 pages of "A Hard, Cruel Shore" on the dock.
  • Flipped a few of Sarah's canoes & kayaks to get the rainwater out, injuring my back in the process (grrr...).
  • Cleaned up a bunch of windblown brush & sticks.
  • Listened to Cocteau Twins "The Moon and the Melodies", Rustica's "Sal's Paradise" EP and An April March's "Lessons in Vengeance" as the sun set.
SUCH a great afternoon of solitude...

1 comment:

  1. I drove by the lake today on the way to my hike in Princeton (Redemption Rock). Saw that Sarah had been by recently to open up their "monstrosity" (the view- & land-blocking pop-up camper) for the season...
