Friday, April 28, 2017

MQ 2017 No.3

I hiked Mount Grace in Warwick, MA today. After a nice drive down Rt. 2 and 78, I arrived to an empty parking lot around 3:00 pm. The hike was rough! It was in the 80's, sunny, and a lot more humid than expected. I forgot how long this trek is, and how many 'false summit' areas there are. I was sweating my ass off, and the mosquitoes & black flies were nearly overwhelming. I almost turned back three times! But I knew I'd regret not reaching the summit, or climbing the fire tower for the views.

It took me nearly 2 hours for what in the past has been a 90-minute hike. But it was worth it. I ate my apple at the summit, and then ascended the fire tower for the breeze and the views. There were no bugs at the top (and no hornet nest, like there was back in 2015), and it was so windy that the tower shook a bit off and on... I got some great shots, and then headed down. As I was leaving the summit an older man was just reaching the top. My only human interaction of the entire hike. Just the way I like it (haha)...

The entrance to the trail is off to the right.

The many streams were loud and running fast!

One of my favorite sights, the old ski lift equipment.

Warwick Fire Tower

View from the top!


Staring at the sun ☼

Monday, April 24, 2017

MQ 2017 No.2

I drove up to Troy, NH to hike Gap Mountain today. It was sunny and warm (low 70's), and it turned out to be more humid than expected. I had directions for the wrong side of the mountain (I drove down Scott Pond Road, which led to a remote pond camping area, including a drive over a narrow road between two large bodies of water). When I retraced my steps to the main road, I remembered where to go, with no other trouble.

There were 3 other cars in the lot: two groups (2 guys and a dog; 2 women and a dog) passed me in the other direction on the way up, while the third group (two older women) made their ascent some distance ahead of me, vacating the summit just as I achieved it.

The hike itself was a mixed bag. The stream (Quarry Brook) has had a new one-rail foot bridge built across it, which wasn't present on my last hike in 2014. The trip up was an ugly sloppy mess of mud, cutaway areas, broken branches and dead leaves. Not very scenic at all, with the lack of leaves and evergreens. I always enjoy the stone steps (several sets of three, and a longer one), and then the wooden steps (one had been struck by lightning!). I forgot that the final leg is very steep, up a scramble of rocks. When I got to the summit there was a lot of 'people debris' (orange peels, apple cores, etc...), and there were big black flies and hornets everywhere. I only stayed long enough to take a few photos, and eat my apple & granola bar. A shame, because it was a wonderful sunny say, and the views were fantastic.

On the way back down, at the rock scramble, I passed 3 teen girls, giggling and chattering away. About midway down I passed a bespectacled guy in a red shirt, and just before reaching the parking lot again, I passed an older dude in jeans, grey tee and a cap. Everyone was friendly, so the human facet of the hike was pleasant.

Both drives were great, too. Sunny skies, windows down, quiet classical in the background, plus tons of trees, ponds and small towns to enjoy. What a day.

Descent soundtrack: Rustica "Sal's Paradise" EP and An April March (2 album shuffle).

Sunday, April 23, 2017


Well, I held out as long as I could, but I don't see a Wyman's Pond Music Fest happening this year, so I officially put it to bed until next year...

That makes 4 years on, 4 years off. Maybe I'll host something smaller at the end of the summer, or in the early autumn.

Past lineup logos:

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

MQ 2017 No.1

Today I drove over the Princeton, MA to the Redemption Rock parking lot, and hiked the Midstate Trail to the Crow Hills cliffs. I arrived at 1:30, and was home a little after 4:00 pm.

It was sunny & dry, around 50 degrees. I was alone on the trail all the way up and back (rare!). I ran across four wild turkeys, squawking & milling about, startled by my approach. My back wasn't sore at all, and I actually felt better on this hike than the last time I was here in December. I thought about climbing the cliffs, but I didn't want to press my luck. So I took a few photos, ate my apple, and headed back.

Descent soundtrack: St. Etienne "Foxbase Alpha", An April March "Lessons in Vengeance", Rustica "Sal's Paradise" EP.

Glacial Boulder

Where the stone walls meet.

Can you find my Red Sox cap?

Saturday, April 15, 2017


Day 4 of my sore back. I spent the day watching a marathon of the 10-episode miniseries "The White Queen" from 2013. I enjoyed it a lot back then, and it was a great way to spend the day today...

I spent a ton of time reading about it (and the actual historical people and events) on Wikipedia. I also had coffee twice (morning and evening), and ate a cold pizza in the middle.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Mail Time

A few days ago I received a postcard from Ryan, Cooper & Sawyer, from their trip up the west coast to scout colleges for Ryan. I always love getting these from them.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Lake Afternoon

It was 82 degrees and sunny today, so I gathered my things and headed down to the lake! I was there from 3:00 to 7:30, and I spent the time in the following ways:

  • Had a late lunch of a homemade ham & Swiss on multi-grain bread sandwich, with Santitas chips and (over time) three Red Hook IPAs.
  • Read 90 pages of "A Hard, Cruel Shore" on the dock.
  • Flipped a few of Sarah's canoes & kayaks to get the rainwater out, injuring my back in the process (grrr...).
  • Cleaned up a bunch of windblown brush & sticks.
  • Listened to Cocteau Twins "The Moon and the Melodies", Rustica's "Sal's Paradise" EP and An April March's "Lessons in Vengeance" as the sun set.
SUCH a great afternoon of solitude...

Monday, April 10, 2017

Not Cool

Last night my old stomping grounds (and place of employment - I was a bouncer there from July 2002 to July 2004), the State Street Saloon in Portsmouth, NH, burned to the ground. Apparently a fire started in the kitchen, and end result: three buildings are gone. Not to mention living spaces for many residents, and many jobs (including my friend Rob, who was still working there). Thankfully, no one died or even got injured seriously (mostly smoke inhalation).

Rest in peace, old workplace, it was a fun run.

Sunday, April 9, 2017


I got a couple things from Amazon (less than $20 spent).
I have the first six issues of "Low" from Image Comics (a great sci-fi series).
And while I never had an interest when I was younger,
lately I've wanted to read H. P. Lovecraft's stories.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Goals: April

My list of goals & plans for April, the next portion of my overall resolutions for 2017:

  • PRIMARY - Get a job!!!
  • Go on at least one hike. III
  • Draw as much as possible: III
  • Avoid eating after 8:00 pm: IIII
  • Avoid 'Night Coffee': IIII IIII
  • Work out at least ten times: IIII
  • Visit Boston
  • Visit New Hampshire - Troy (Gap Mtn hike on 4/24).
  • Visit somewhere else.
Goals may be combined. Achieved goals appear in red bold, as completed. "Avoids" appear in green bold.