Saturday, July 1, 2017

Goals: July

Jeez! Half the year over already. J & Stacie and the kids will be here this week, beginning late tomorrow night. Lucky me, I have to work five of those days. At least the first 4 are morning shifts!

My goals for July, part of this year's ongoing resolutions:

  • Lose ten pounds.
  • Work out at least 8 times - III (plus 6 Truck Days)
  • Reread the "Harry Potter" series of books - 1, 2
  • Get out of state at least once.
  • Get to Boston at least once - Drove Ma to Logan Airport.
  • Get to a beach at least once.
  • Draw as much as possible - II
  • Practice my guitar - 

Like past months, items are highlighted in bold red, as completed. Travel goals may be combined.


  1. So far: no drawing, no guitar. Work (and the crappy weather) have sent me to the passive pursuits of online games and tv. I did start rereading the "Harry Potter" books on the 12th, though!

  2. HP #1 finished last night, #2 begun.

  3. Finished HP #2 today and began #3. Also worked out 5:30 - 6:30. And I drew a monster.

  4. Wrap up of the goals:
    1) Nope.
    2) 3 workouts. But also, 6 Truck Days = success!
    3) 2 books down. I'll finish #3 tonight or tomorrow, and begin #4.
    4) In-state all month (*sigh*).
    5) Technically yes. I drove Ma to Logan Airport on Saturday.
    6) No beaches.
    7) 2 drawings.
    8) Zero guitar practice.

    ...on to August!
