Thursday, July 27, 2017


I drew today during a workout, while Chumble looked on...

Hogwarts Visits

Time to reread the "Harry Potter" novels! I read them for the first time back in July/August of 2008, so I try to revisit them over the same time period each time I return. The last time was July/August of 2014. I finished "The Sorceror's Stone" a week ago, and just closed "The Chamber of Secrets" today...

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


Poor kitty couldn't keep his food down yesterday, and I couldn't figure out why. He barfed up breakfast, and then threw up 3 more times, including the treats I gave him after the initial vomit.

Luckily, it was my day off so I could be around for him the whole time, and after sleeping all day, he ate supper just fine. And his meals today as well. I think he ate a bug, or just ate ridiculously fast.

Friday, July 7, 2017


I saw "Spider-Man: Homecoming" tonight with Jason & his crew, Sarah & hers (minus Hayden), Holly & hers (minus Kevin), and Ma. Thanks J!

What a great movie! So much humor, cool action, and many MCU tie-ins. There were a few minor things I didn't care for, but they aren't even worth mentioning.

After the movie, J & Stacie & Cooper & I stopped at Kay's for ice cream. I haven't been there in a decade or so.

I hung around Dad & Ma's with them until they headed back to Worcester, and then off to Florida for a week with Stacie's family. I always hate it when they leave, but it's always great to see them when they are here...

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Independence Day

I had to work 7:30 to noon, but it flew by. I hung out at home and reenergized for the family reunion down at the lake.

Cooper, Drew, Jared, Sawyer, Hayden.
Jackie, Georgia, Helena, Ryan, Celia.

In attendance (besides The Morris 6 and spouses/spawn):
  • Uncle Martin, Aunt Kathy, and Dan & his wife
  • Jean Marie & Judy
  • Aunt June, Ginny & her new baby
  • Uncle Tim & Aunt Debbie
  • Wendy & Ted
  • Jon's mom & her hubby, and Jehn
  • Hayden's girlfriend Audrey, plus a bunch of his sisters' friends
I stayed from 3 pm to 6 pm, then fatigue sent me packing. It was a nice day, if a bit too crowded for my taste...

Me, Jason, Sarah, Ma, Dad, Kevin

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Goals: July

Jeez! Half the year over already. J & Stacie and the kids will be here this week, beginning late tomorrow night. Lucky me, I have to work five of those days. At least the first 4 are morning shifts!

My goals for July, part of this year's ongoing resolutions:

  • Lose ten pounds.
  • Work out at least 8 times - III (plus 6 Truck Days)
  • Reread the "Harry Potter" series of books - 1, 2
  • Get out of state at least once.
  • Get to Boston at least once - Drove Ma to Logan Airport.
  • Get to a beach at least once.
  • Draw as much as possible - II
  • Practice my guitar - 

Like past months, items are highlighted in bold red, as completed. Travel goals may be combined.