Saturday, June 17, 2017

1st New Payday

I got my first "new" check from FD. The bulk of it went to pay the electric bill. Twenty bucks went to Domino's for 2 pizzas (enough for 4 meals). The rest went to Hannaford (around 9 pm), for food to get me to next week's payday (of which only $50 is allocated to necessity - the phone bill). Starbucks Sumatra and a blueberry muffin went together nicely for a late supper.

Also, I watched "Passengers" from 10:30 pm to 12:30 am. It was a fantastic movie. The special effects were amazing. I do have to say that while it was a selfish act, I feel that what Jim did 99% of people would also do it in his situation (including Aurora) had Jim died early on. Only a tiny fraction of humanity would be able to go it solo for their entire life. A harsh thing to admit, but true. Eventually I would have done the same thing, so judge me as you will...

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