Wednesday, June 28, 2017

More Graewon

A couple of sketches of my wizard character, Graewon the Quick. The top one was drawn today, and the other about six weeks ago:

Magic shield and counterattack.

Using fire magic versus a land-walking underwater denizen.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

1st New Payday

I got my first "new" check from FD. The bulk of it went to pay the electric bill. Twenty bucks went to Domino's for 2 pizzas (enough for 4 meals). The rest went to Hannaford (around 9 pm), for food to get me to next week's payday (of which only $50 is allocated to necessity - the phone bill). Starbucks Sumatra and a blueberry muffin went together nicely for a late supper.

Also, I watched "Passengers" from 10:30 pm to 12:30 am. It was a fantastic movie. The special effects were amazing. I do have to say that while it was a selfish act, I feel that what Jim did 99% of people would also do it in his situation (including Aurora) had Jim died early on. Only a tiny fraction of humanity would be able to go it solo for their entire life. A harsh thing to admit, but true. Eventually I would have done the same thing, so judge me as you will...

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


I went to the lake today from 2:30 - 5:30. I brought one beer (Lagunitas IPA), an apple, and a book (Ray Bradbury short stories). It was sunny and 70.

I was going to paddle out and float on the lake with my beer, but when I opened the shed, I discovered that someone had ripped a hole in it. I texted Sarah to see if she knew anything about it, and for some reason, despite her bringing large groups of teens there several times since my last visit, she couldn't even contemplate the idea that one of them might have done it. "We don't swim or float, we kayak." Yeah, no kidding, the tear is paddle-shaped, and there were several of them piled on my float. Give me a break. By the end of our text chain, her lack of willingness to even entertain the idea that one of the many kids did it, was actually more disappointing than the rip, and it cast a pall over the afternoon.

Sunday, June 4, 2017


Things I Did Today:

  1. Watched Graham Rahal win Day 2 of the Detroit Grand Prix (a repeat of yesterday's Day 1).
  2. Dusted off & tuned my guitar.
  3. Listened to Elizabeth Lorrey's live "Sunday Nightcap" on Concert Window (8 pm).

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Goals: June

My list of things to get done in June:

  • Work out ten times - I
  • Work as many hours as I can snag (regular + extra shifts).
  • Go on one hike - 
  • Lose ten pounds* - 7, I'll take it!
  • Finish 3 of the several books I am reading - 
  • Draw as much as possible - IIII
  • Practice my guitar as much as possible - II
Like past months, items are highlighted in bold red, as completed.

* This should be easy, since I will be up and about at work again, several days per week!