Friday, May 26, 2017


Well, in order to fill the gap, I am returning to Family Dollar for awhile. They need help, and I need money, so there you go. I'll be back in the red polo by the end of next week...

Friday, May 19, 2017

Lakeside Day

I went to the lake today from a little after 2:00 until a little before 7:00. 

When I got there Jon was hanging out with the dogs (Happy & Henley), so I offered him a beer and we caught up for a bit. I had a ham & cheese sandwich, chips and (over the course of the afternoon) 3 Lagunitas IPAs - good stuff! 

I read part of a story by Katherine Kurtz in "Flashing Swords!" #4. Then I inflated my clear & orange 'floatie chair', and paddled around & spaced out on the water for an hour or so. I finished the story on the dock. Then I hung out in a chair, ate an apple, and listened to a few songs by Ivy, Cocteau Twins and An April March. Holly & the kids came down after the Oakmont @ Quabbin softball game in which Jackie & the twins were playing. Jared grabbed the fishing gear, Drew jumped on the upright paddle board, and I chatted with the girls. Apparently Sarah was on her way with a truck full of kids, so I made sure to skedaddle before all of the cars & giggling junior high kids showed up.

What a great day. Staring up at the clouds & contrails, or lounging with my eyes closed facing the sun, it always feels great to be on Wyman Pond...


On a whim, I checked my account balance, and my state tax refund finally trickled in! Insult to injury, it's been sitting there since the 3rd. The $120 will certainly be helpful in bridging the gap...

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

MQ 2017 No.4

I knew it would be cloudy all day until late afternoon, so I waited until 4:00 pm to head over to Mount Wachusett for "Mountain Quest 2017" #4.

I hiked the Mountain House Trail, which is rather steep the entire way, and very rocky. Today it was also very muddy, and the black flies were everywhere, including in my left eye and right ear. The sky was grey until about halfway up, and then the clouds parted in various places. The mountain was pleasantly deserted for the most part. I even had the summit to myself for about a solid minute (haha). I shared a friendly "hello" with several pairs of people and/or dogs, and at the summit an older woman chatted me up about hiking and her Mother's Day plans with her son. On the way down there were a lot more people headed up (including 2 separate attractive women), so I am (mostly) glad about the timing of my hike.

Descent soundtrack: Slowdive's "Slowdive" EP and Ivy's song "The Best Thing".

View from inside the tree above.

Monadnock & friends.
Boston off in the distance...

View of Boston with the 'zoom' setting.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Slowdive - LIVE

Wow! Pitchfork is broadcasting a live show (from Brooklyn) from one of my all-time favorite bands, Slowdive! I can't believe it. I am SO happy right now...

Screen captures:

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Goals: May

My list of goals & plans for May, the next portion of my overall resolutions for 2017:

  • PRIMARY - Get a job!!!
  • Draw as much as possible: IIII
  • Work out at least ten times: IIII III
  • Visit Boston.
  • Visit New Hampshire and/or Vermont.
  • Go on at least 2 hikes: 1. 5/10 -Wachusett

Goals may be combined. Achieved goals appear in red bold, as completed.