Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Goals: March

My list of goals & plans for March, the next portion of my overall resolutions for 2017:

  • PRIMARY - Get a great new job.
  • Work out at least ten times: IIII IIII
  • Go on at least one hike.
  • Draw as much as possible: IIII IIII II 
  • Avoid eating after 8:00 pm: IIII
  • Avoid 'Night Coffee': IIII
  • Visit Boston
  • Visit New Hampshire
  • Visit somewhere else.
Goals may be combined. Achieved goals appear in red bold, as completed. "Avoids" appear in green bold.


  1. 10 workouts as of right now! I'm going to squeeze in two more (Wednesday & Friday) if possible...

  2. Wrap up: I drew like a maniac at the beginning of the month (12 days), and got in my ten workouts. The job hunt ended with dust and echoes so far, but I have resumes out. No travel other than for work, or to visit Dad & Ma...
