Friday, March 17, 2017

Legion Final

Five of my Top Ten favorite members of DC Comics' "Legion of Super-Heroes", finally in color:

L to R: Timber Wolf, Polar Boy, Ultra Boy, Phantom Girl, Wildfire.

My rankings change over time, but the rest of the ten would be: Shadow Lass, Dawnstar, Dream Girl, Brainiac 5 and Tyroc.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Goblin in Progress

My first goblin drawing for Accidental Heroes. They will be the biggest pests throughout... I will ink & color it today, while Nor'easter Stella rages outside (3:00 pm now, and a foot of snow so far).

View of my front steps. Super windy, and 12" on the ground so far...

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Legion Inks

Progress on my in-journal Legion of Super-Heroes drawing. I was smart this time, and took a picture before ruining it with color (haha).

L to R: Timber Wolf, Polar Boy, Ultra Boy, Phantom Girl, and Wildfire.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Lake Time!

I went down to the lake today for about an hour. It was way too windy to stay much longer, and the sun disappeared halfway through my lunch (ham & cheese w/lettuce, tomato & pickles, w/a little oil on 9-grain wheat; Wachusett potato chips; and a Samuel Adams Hopscape).

The fresh air was great, and just being away from the city was nice.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Free Stuff

The customer service department from Santa Monica Soap Company sent me an e-mail a couple weeks ago to ask how I am enjoying their soaps. I had posted a couple positive reviews on Amazon, so they sent me a free bar of my choice! I opted for "California Surf", which arrived today, and it smells amazing.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Phrixes - Color

I finally colored Phrixes. It's not perfect, but I'm glad I finally got around to it, what with the flurry of activity around Accidental Heroes (the world of which Phrixes & Phria are a part).

AH - Xhabu Hin

Xhabu Hin (SHAH'-boo HIN)

He is the priest of the Accidental Heroes. He is a follower of the god of the sea (name TBD). He is on a lifequest to weed out a twisted splinter cell of his religion, doing good and adventuring along the way.

He is a tall sturdy man who wields a studded mace and a slingshot. He prefers blues and greens in his garb. He is not a chatty fellow, but is full of wisdom and common sense.

I drew his head too large!

I'll draw a group shot sometime soon...

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Sierra Club

I've been a member of the Sierra Club since 2011. I renew every year, even if I cannot afford it. They send a gift each time I renew (I've gotten backpacks and shoulder satchels in the past). Today I received my free blanket!

AH - L'anlia

L'anlia (luh-AHN"-lee-uh)

I was going to have two warriors in the group of five Accidental Heroes, but after much thought, I decided I want two wizards instead, so L'anlia has been changed mid-stream.

She is a happy go lucky sort, not as hyper as Graewon, but still not a typical serious magic user. She is athletic, and has pale skin and dark blue hair.

Friday, March 3, 2017

AH - Eilinel

Eilinel (AYE'-luh-nell) is a very intelligent warrior. She is the leader of the Accidental Heroes.

An incredibly beautiful woman who has no idea she is so beautiful. Her size (5' 6") belies her physical strength. She is proficient in many weapons, but prefers a long sword of some type and a short bow.

Here is an extremely rough first drawing of her. Ideally her jaw wouldn't be so rugged (she should look like Jaime Ray Newman ). I'll get there eventually:

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Accidental Heroes 2

I already have an "Accidental Heroes" tag. Future posts will be labeled "AH - xxxxxx".

Here is character No. 2, Ellyu (short for Li Uwan) . He is a rather large (6'1", 220) thief from an Oriental realm, with no memory of his past (or his real name, at this time). He is ridiculously skilled, but not very smart. Also, with his positive outlook and charm, Ellyu is very charismatic, despite his lack of social graces and unremarkable appearance.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Goals: March

My list of goals & plans for March, the next portion of my overall resolutions for 2017:

  • PRIMARY - Get a great new job.
  • Work out at least ten times: IIII IIII
  • Go on at least one hike.
  • Draw as much as possible: IIII IIII II 
  • Avoid eating after 8:00 pm: IIII
  • Avoid 'Night Coffee': IIII
  • Visit Boston
  • Visit New Hampshire
  • Visit somewhere else.
Goals may be combined. Achieved goals appear in red bold, as completed. "Avoids" appear in green bold.