Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Drawing Frenzy

I've been drawing like crazy for the last week or so. In addition to Phrixes (see previous entries), I've also been doing a group portrait of 5 of my favorite Legionnaires, and beginning a new story project (with illustrations).

L to R: Timberwolf, Polar Boy, Ultra Boy, Phantom Girl, Wildfire
The story project is called "Accidental Heroes", and features a typical sword & sorcery adventuring party with atypical attributes. The first member finished is Graewon the Quick, a wizard who is more nimble than wise. He is a talented wizard, but his true skill is his high dexterity.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Saturday, February 25, 2017


Chumble always freaks out when there is a heavy rain. He runs to me and meows like a crazy person. I think it's the change in air pressure, but I am not 100% sure...


I took an old preliminary drawing (penciled and outline-inked) of a wizard from last November, and spent this morning turning it into an update of my axe-swinging warrior Phrixes (twin brother of the sorceress Phria):

I'll post my progress as I go...

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Coffee & Music

Yesterday: Kevin gave me this cool shelf for my CDs. I spent part of the morning today filling it with my favorites.

Today: I received the Starbucks order I placed a week ago Monday. I'm so spoiled by Amazon Prime (free 2-day shipping), that this 8-day wait (not to mention the $5.95 delivery fee) annoyed me a great deal...

I got 2 bags of whole beans: one dark roast I haven't been able to find locally (Gold Coast), and Muan Tai, a 'bold & spicy' blend from Thailand. Plus a great 14 oz. mug for 6 bucks!

Monday, February 20, 2017


I headed over to Kevin's today (after a quick shop at Market Basket), because the kids have school vacation all week. It was Lego with Jared & Drew; 2 giant cheeseburgers (w/swiss cheese, tomatoes, pickles and mustard); part of "Hidalgo" and all of "The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug". I brought fancy sodas for the kids (green apple, cream, and orange cream). It was great to get out of the house, and great to hang with family for a day (12:30 pm to 8:00 pm).

Sunday, February 19, 2017


I was watching "The Raven" (John Cusack) in the afternoon, and just happened to look up at the ceiling. The sunlight had been split in two behind a tree, and came through the mini blinds looking like this:

Also, it was close to 60 F outside today! I went out to 'relocate' a bunch of snow, and I even had all the windows open for about an hour... ☼

Monday, February 13, 2017

Winter Storm Orson

Yesterday's storm was supposed to drop between ten and eighteen inches of snow. I wound up with eight. Not complaining!

This morning I went outside to shovel, and I took a few more photos (see previous blogs) of the spacemen I collected over the last two years at my past job.

Here they are trudging through a snow-blasted winterscape:

Friday, February 10, 2017

Lazy Friday

  • Had breakfast, watched tv (2 eps of "Two Guys & A Girl", sports, etc...).
  • Read the Superbowl edition of "Sports Illustrated"
  • Shoveled my steps, front door area, and around my car and Jean Marie's car.
  • Online for a bit.
  • Cold Chinese food (boneless pork), Santitas chips & apple juice.
  • Read a bunch of "Legion of Super-Heroes" comics from 2011.
  • Jean Marie dropped off my Amazon order (see photo).
  • Cooked boneless pork chops, ate them with mushrooms and bread & butter.
  • Watched sports tv, channel-surfed, then settled on the movie "Push".
  • Went to bed before midnight, but read until I fell asleep.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Winter Storm Niko

The snow began around 8:00 am, and is still falling a little bit now (6:00 pm). The plow guy just left.

Nearly 12 inches, taken at 4:00 pm.

I had Bob Marley One Love (an awesome Ethiopian) coffee, cereal and a blueberry muffin for breakfast, while I watched sports tv and the weather. I received my federal tax return, and promptly paid my utility bill, and put aside next month's rent. I did a little drawing while I was online. I had cold Chinese food for lunch, broken into two rounds, and an apple too. I worked out from 5:00 - 6:30.

Final snow total: 14½". Whew!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Bundle Up

I finally bought a new blanket a couple of weeks ago, and I've been using it for over a week now. What a difference one extra layer of superior quality makes in keeping a night of sleep warm...

It's 100% cotton, hemmed on all four sides, and measures 90" x 90".

It came from Eddie Bauer, via Amazon. I'm so happy!

Monday, February 6, 2017

Patriots 5th

I went to Jay's place to watch the Superbowl. After a lackluster first half (understatement! It was 21-3 Atlanta), and yet another Falcons touchdown, the Patriots finally got their acts together and went on an unanswered 31 point run, including 6 points in the first Superbowl Overtime ever. James White scored 3 touchdowns and a 2-point conversion, but Tom Brady was the MVP, going 43-62 with 2 TD's (and a pick).

James White scored many times.

Food & Beverages: We had a pizza, microwave popcorn, peanuts and chips. Also, my beer of choice was Opa-Opa Winter Warmer (so much better this time around. It was almost flat out of the growler last time).

Winter Warmer

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Last Night

I did some drawing while I was online last night, and Chumble took a look.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Goals: February

My list of goals & plans for February, the next portion of my overall resolutions for 2017:

  • Get down to 245 pounds.
  • Get into Boston at least once.
  • Go to a live music show at least once.
  • Get out of state at least once.
  • Go on at least one hike.
  • Work out ten times minimum (I.I.I.I.I.I.I.).
  • Put my guitar to consistent use.
  • Buy a new bed.
  • Avoid 'night coffee' (I.I.I.I.I.).
  • Avoid eating after 8 pm (I.I.I.I.I.).
Goals may be combined. Achieved goals appear in red bold, as completed. Negative progress (ie: the 'Avoid' listings) appears in green bold.